Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mapping Superscript Functoids In line code

If you have two superscript functoids. If you use the same name in two different functoids.


//* PayableDenialCode feeds both AdjustmentIndicator and AdjustmentReason *//
public string PayableDenialCodeScript(string AdjustmentIndicator)
string ValueOut = "1";

if (AdjustmentIndicator == "00")
ValueOut = "0";

return ValueOut;

Fundtoid 2 code

//* PayableDenialCode feeds both AdjustmentIndicator and AdjustmentReason *//
public string PayableDenialCodeScript(string AdjustmentReason)
string ValueOut = AdjustmentReason ;

if (ValueOut == "00")
ValueOut = null;

return ValueOut;

When the 2nd functoid is executed it will use the functoid 1's logic because they have the same name.