Wednesday, November 23, 2016

slash-n(/n) PGP pipeline notes

These are the notes I received from our deployment person.  I thought they might help someone else someday


As good as the SFTP adapter is, I expected these PGP pipeline components to be pretty slick. They are not.

What works: 
1)      Simple passphrases – no spaces, no “special” characters.
2)      Keyringfiles in the “homedir” folder (wherever you care to specify that)
3)      Keyring file names cannot contain spaces.
4)      Passphrase has to be passed in PGPParams, but Keyrings should (if other than default values) should be in the ‘Other’ field.
5)      Multiple elements may be passed in a line, but they have to be separated by %0d%0a (carriage return/line feed)
6)      Outbound files require ‘recipient-userid=’ followed by either an email address associated with the recipient’s key, or the embedded key name.
7)      Inbound just requires the secretkeyringfile and the passphrase (passphrase belongs in PGPParams, keyringfile in ‘Other’

The largest failing in this product is the lack of support for arbitrary passphrases. (though perhaps, if we used SSO to store them, arbitrary passphrases would work OK – I don’t feel like testing that just now.)
