Thursday, October 19, 2017

n/software PGP , or Nsoftware PGP struggles

n/software PGP  , or Nsoftware  PGP struggles.  This is good software!

The following worked:

Putting this value in the "Other" box:


Where Healthequity.asc is an encryption file in a file.  Notice the ".asc".   When i received it the file extention was ".pgp". 

I put the following in the PGPParams box:


Where homedir is the location of the encryption file.  I am not sure this is needed.
Where the "%0d%0a" is a carrige return the must separate parameters.
Where,  this is the recipient-userid associated this this file.   I found this by loading the pgp file into semanatec pgp software.

Note:  putting a 1 in the PGPProviderType means the PGPProvider is ignored.

This encrypted the file.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Batching orchestration is Suspended.  It needs to be terminate administratively.

To fix this go to the main console and select Running Service Instance.

Hit run query.   You should see one of the orchestrations suspended.  Right click and choose start.