Wednesday, April 20, 2011

BizTalk 2010 BTSNTSvc.exe.config From BT 2009

If you are movning your old BTSNTSvc.exe.config file to BizTalk 2010. You might need to add

startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"
supportedRuntime version="v4.0" /

(Had to remove < > tags to post)

If not you may get an error like:

A message received by adapter "FILE" on receive location "TestFromBlue" with URI "C:\BXArchive\Inbound\FromBlue\*.*" is suspended.
Error details: An output message of the component "Unknown " in receive pipeline "Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiReceive, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" is suspended due to the following error:
Error encountered during parsing. The X12 transaction set with id '' contained in functional group with id '924554', in interchange with id '000924621', with sender id '993 ', receiver id '933 ' is being suspended with following errors:
Error: 1 (Miscellaneous error)
6: The document specification from assembly failed to load. Verify the schema for this document specification is deployed and is in the Global Assembly Cache.
The sequence number of the suspended message is 1.
MessageId: {DF0A3BA6-7223-4FD5-85A3-9873FE4F9E7D}
InstanceID: {B597C4DF-788F-41EC-84E4-190BD4830742}