Thursday, October 19, 2017

n/software PGP , or Nsoftware PGP struggles

n/software PGP  , or Nsoftware  PGP struggles.  This is good software!

The following worked:

Putting this value in the "Other" box:


Where Healthequity.asc is an encryption file in a file.  Notice the ".asc".   When i received it the file extention was ".pgp". 

I put the following in the PGPParams box:


Where homedir is the location of the encryption file.  I am not sure this is needed.
Where the "%0d%0a" is a carrige return the must separate parameters.
Where,  this is the recipient-userid associated this this file.   I found this by loading the pgp file into semanatec pgp software.

Note:  putting a 1 in the PGPProviderType means the PGPProvider is ignored.

This encrypted the file.