Friday, June 26, 2009

BizTalk Administration Console 2009

Yes people I started working on BizTalk 2009. I could not get into the Server administration console.

I added myself as an sysadmin on the local database. TO do this I had to find someone who had access already.

1. Use Micorsoft SQL server manager.
2. Connect to the server in question, this is where BizTalkMgmtDB resides.
3. Open the "logins" node on the tree on the left.
4. Right click on your logon icon, if one does not exist you must create one.
5. Select the properties box.
6. On the tree on the left select server roles
7. Check the box with SYSADMIN.

Do you need this much capability? I have no idea but it worked for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    You simply have to put your login into the "BizTalk Server Administrators" and "SSO Administrators" groups. Did you try that ?
